Tropical Waterlilies
Nymphaea ‘Afterglow’
Flower Description: pink, orange and yellow. Flower shape is cup-like.
Leaf Description: Deep green foliage with pink overcast
Comments: Very lovely fragrance. Profuse bloomer.
Sunlight: Tolerates partial shade
Size: Medium – large Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Albert Greenberg’
Flower Description: Rose-yellow blooms. Flower shape is cup-like.
Leaf Description: Heavily mottled foliage.
Comments: Very lovely fragrance. Strong grower and bloomer.
Sunlight: Tolerates partial shade (3-6 hours sun).
Size: Medium – large Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘August Koch’ – Not available in 2023
Flower Description: Rich blue blossoms. Flower shape is cup-like.
Leaf Description: Green leathery leaves.
Comments: Very pleasant fragrance. Viviparous. Compact growth,
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium size; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Avalanche’
Flower Description: almost white with a light blue edge,
Leaf Description: large oval emerald green and burgundy mottled leaves. . Its foliage tends to remain low and dense right to the water.
Comments: Avalanche Tropical Water Lily will grow to be about 8 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 6-8 feet.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Bagdad’
Flower Description: Light blue, star – shape flowers
Leaf Description: Green leaves with heavy maroon mottling. Viviparous.
Comments: Flowers are fragrant
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium to large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Laura Frase’
Flower Description: Vibrant blue cup-shaped blooms
Leaf Description: round green leaves with subtle purplish blotches.
Comments: Flowers are fragrant
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Leopardess’
Flower Description: Vibrant blue cup-shaped blooms
Leaf Description: Purple leaves with green blotches.
Comments: Flowers are slightly fragrant
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Pamela’
Flower Description: Sky blue blossoms that open flat.
Leaf Description: New leaves are heavily mottled turning to green.
Comments: Excellent bloomer
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Large;
Nymphaea ‘Star of Zanzibar’
Description: Gorgeous blue flowers
Leaf Description: Green with richly speckled foliage
Comments: Winner of the prestigious Banksian Medal issued by the Royal Horticultural Society in August 2000 at the International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society’s annual competition.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Wood’s Blue Goddess’
Description: Outstanding large, sky blue flowers with dark purple stamens
Leaf Description: Round, sharply serrated olive green leaves
Comments: Prolific bloomer
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium to large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Moonbeam’
Flower Description: Petals are light smoky blue fading to pale yellow. Flower shape is cup-like.
Leaf Description: Pads are green
Comments: Pleasant fragrance.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium – large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Green Smoke’ – not available in 2023
Flower Description: Petals are chartreuse to light smoky blue. Flower shape is cup-like.
Leaf Description: Pads are green and bronze specked with a wavy margin.
Comments: Pleasant fragrance.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium – large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Alexis’
Flower Description: The petals are light purple with a hint of white.
Leaf Description: The olive green pads are 10-12 inches and the plant needs 4-6 feet to spread its leaves.
Comments: light, pleasant fragranced flower. Nymphaea ‘Alexis’ is a very unique tropical waterlily with over 100 petals. Created by Schuck in 2001, this waterlily is known for having a very vigorous growth habit. The extraordinary 6-7 inch flower opens flat and the staminodes rise above the other petals.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Foxfire’
Flower Description: The long outer petals are medium blue and the short inner petals are a soft pink. Flowers shape is cup like then full star and measure 8-9 inches across.
Leaf Description: 19×17 inch maroon with green mottled leaves.
Comments: The plant spreads to a whopping 10 feet, which makes it perfect for any medium to large pond. This waterlily is one of the earliest to open.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Director George T. Moore’
Flower Description: Deep violet-blue blooms. Flower shape is open star.
Leaf Description: Many small green pads flecked with purple.
Comments: Delightful fragrance.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Midnight Serenade’
Flower Description: Bright purple flowers with petaloid centerswer shape is cup-like then star-like.
Leaf Description: nicely mottled pads
Comments: It was the winner of the Banksian Award given by the IWGS in 2002 for best medium tropical waterlily.
Sunlight: Full Sun
Size: Large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Panama Pacific’
Flower Description: Rich violet-purple blooms. Flower shape is cup-like then star-like.
Leaf Description: deep green
Comments: Sweet fragrance.
Sunlight: Tolerates partial shade (3-6 hours)
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Purple Joy’
Flower Description: Blossom is edged with deep purple fading into brilliant white centers.
Leaf Description: deep green
Comments: Viviparous – Free flowering, fragrant
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Rhonda Kay’
Flower Description: Purple blossoms held high above the water.
Leaf Description: deep green
Comments: Can have many flowers open at once. Additionally, Nymphaea ‘Rhonda Kay’ is one of the first waterlilies to open in the morning.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium to large; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Tanzanite’ – not available in 2023
Description: Deep violet purple flowers with over 50 petals are a highlight of this plant. Darker in color than any other purple waterlily on the market today its bright golden center offers a unique contrast to the overall color.
Leaf Description: Green with purple mottling
Comments: A nice compact growing waterlily that is very vigorous and usually has more than one flower open a day..
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Ultra Violet’ – not available in 2023
Description: flowers are deep purple, darker than Director Moore, the darkest purple on the market today. The flower stands tall and consist of 70 petals which gives it the unique fullness.
Leaf Description: The pads are maroon color with slight splashes of lighter red.
Comments: Awarded Best New Waterlily Hybrid Overall in the IWGS 2008 waterlily hybridizing contest.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘William McLane’
Flower Description: large deep blue flower deep which can turn to deep purple under certain conditions like cooler temperatures.
Leaf Description: pads are heavily mottled with large blotches of maroon on a green background.
Comments: Nymphaea ‘William McLane’ was a cross between Nymphaea ‘Green Smoke’ and and unknown tropical waterlily. It was released to the trade in 1998. It was awarded the Banksian Medal as the best new waterlily of the year in 1997 by the IWGS.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium ; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Innocence’
Flower Description: Stunning, pure white blossoms.
Leaf Description: The pads are beautifully mottled with heavy maroon blotches on a green background.
Comments: Viviparous; the uniquely large, pure white flower stands high above the water on an extremely robust stalk.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium ; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Purple Joy’
Flower Description: Blossom is edged with deep purple fading into brilliant white centers.
Leaf Description: deep green
Comments: Viviparous – Free flowering, fragrant
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Missouri’ – not available in 2023
Flower Description: Large white flowers
Leaf Description: deep green
Comments: This is one of the largest varieties of tropical night bloomers on the market.
Sunlight: Night Bloomer
Size: Large;
Nymphaea ‘Evelyn Randig’
Flower Description: Deep raspberry pink flowers. Flowers shape is cup like then full star.
Leaf Description: deep green, mottled leaves.
Comments: Slight fragrance.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Kathy McLane’ – not available in 2023
Flower Description: rosy red flower that displays 48 petals at maturity.
Leaf Description: The mottling on the pads exhibits a pleasingly sharp contrast between a green background and deep maroon streaks.
Comments: Nymphaea ‘Kathy McLane’ was a chance seedling and was released to the trade in 2003.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Pink Capensis’
Flower Description: Pretty pink flowers.
Leaf Description: Large, leathery green foliage.
Comments: Fragrant. Excellent bloomer. Good for beginners.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Queen of Siam’
Flower Description: Lovely deep pink blossoms
Leaf Description: highly mottled foliage.
Comments: Viviparous
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Shirley Bryne’ – not available in 2023
Flower Description: Deep pink blossoms with bright yellow centers.
Leaf Description: Green foliage.
Comments: Viviparous. Excellent bloomer.
Sunlight: Tolerates partial shade
Size: Medium; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Bull’s Eye’
Flower Description: The red color is deeper or more of a true red than any other tropical waterlily on the market today. Over 70 petals will adorn the flower at its maximum size.
Leaf Description: solid green pads
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium ; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Doris Holt’
Flower Description: vibrant red flower
Leaf Description: nicely mottled pads
Comments: tropical red viviparous waterlily. Very similar in appearance to N. ‘Queen of Siam’ except that the flower is red.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium ; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Scarlet Flame’ – not available in 2023
Flower Description: This free-flowering tropical waterlily boast uniquely shaped, large red flowers containing over 100 petals and petaloid stamens.
Leaf Description: Scarlet Flame produces up to 3 blooms at a time and is accented by bright green pads with red undersides.
Comments: Nymphaea ‘Scarlet Flame’ is an exciting new red tropical waterlily with an outstanding flower. The most unique characteristic of ‘Scarlet Flame’ is the amount of petals in its flower making it resemble a Dahlia or Zinnia flower.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium ; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Tropic Punch’
Flower Description: Tropic Punch excels with its very large red flower held high above a strikingly striped lily pad.
Leaf Description: strikingly striped lily pad
Comments: The flower is unlike any other tropical waterlily flower on the market today with its unique shape. It has over 130 actual petals!
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium ; Day bloomer
2012 IWGS Best New Waterlily Overall, 2012 IWGS First Place Tropical Waterlily, 2012 IWC and WWALA First Place Waterlily Overall , 2012 IWC and WWALA Best Tropical Waterlily
Nymphaea ‘Virginia McLane’ – sold out
Flower Description: vibrant deep red colored flower
Leaf Description: egg shaped mottled maroon pads. The pads have a variety of shades of green, similar in size and coloring to Nymphaea ‘William McLane’.
Comments: Virginia McLane’ was hybridized by Florida Aquatic Nurseries in 2006 and it got First Place Tropical Waterlily in the 2016 International Waterlily and Water Garden Society’s Annual Waterlily Contest.
Sunlight: Full sun
Size: Medium ; Day bloomer
Nymphaea ‘Red Cup’ NOT AVAILABLE IN 2022
Flower Description: Red, cup shaped blossoms.
Leaf Description: Red pads
Comments: The flowers open in the early evening and stay open till 8-9 in the morning. Night blooming lilies are an excellent choice for those who have to work all day.
Sunlight: Night Bloomer
Size: Medium– large
Yellow Tropical Waterlilies
Nymphaea ‘St. Louis Gold’
Flower Description: medium size deep yellow star-like flowers. Flower shape is star-like.
Leaf Description: Olive green pads
Sunlight: tolerates partial shade
Size: Medium
Nymphaea ‘Stan Skinger’
Flower Description: Nymphaea ‘Stan Skinger’ is unique because of it’s flower color and it’s pads. The flower is yellow when the plant is young but at maturity the color turns to an orange, similar to golden west.
Leaf Description: The pads are heavily mottled with maroon streaks on a green background.
Comments: Nymphaea ‘Stan Skinger’ was a cross between the tropical waterlily Nymphaea ‘Golden West’ and the tropical waterlily Nymphaea ‘Trail Blazer’ and was released to the trade in 2006.
Sunlight: Sun
Size: Medium
Nymphaea ‘Victoria Cruzania’
This giant waterlily can produce leaves up to 2 meters in diameter. It does not grow well in our Alberta ponds unless it was in a heated tank. All parts of this plant – leaves, veins, flower buds – are armed with vicious spikes that reach across the entire underside of the leaf surface. Aqualine has grown this giant waterlily in the greenhouse for personal interest and for show.